Månadsarkiv: februari 2011

Svenska, år 9

Pga nationella prov och våra besök på Nationalmuseum kommer följande ändringar att göras:


Vi pausar lite med den muntliga delen av nationella provet. De närmaste lektionerna kommer se ut såhär:

Fredag 25/2:  vi jobbar förberedande inför vårt besök på Nationalmuseum.

Måndag 7/3: ni har lästimme med er vikarie (jag är och rättar era nationella prov)

Onsdag 9/3: eftersom ni redan haft lästimme så fortsätter vi med nationella provets B-del

Fredag 11/3: vi avslutar (förhoppningsvis) nationella proven i svenska.


Fredag 25/2: istället för lästimme jobbar vi förberedande inför vårt besök på Nationalmuseum.

Tisdag 8/3: vi jobbar förberedande inför vårt besök på Nationalmuseum.

Torsdag 10/3: vi fortsätter med nationella provets B-del.

Fredag 11/3: vi vi fortsätter  med nationella provets B-del.

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Under Svenska-9

English, year 9: Book circle

You have had your last book circle meeting today, and it is now important that you:

1. Hand in your individual assignment

2. Hand in your meeting protocol

This should be done by tomorrow, Friday.

Also, don’t forget to hand in your book, The Afterlife, to me. Some of you did it today, the rest of you can do it when you hand in your assignment tomorrow.

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Under Engelska-9

English, year 9: Test!

We have an English test on Wednesday next week (16/2). It will include the following:

  • Textbook: I let gatecrashers steal my sister’s car
  • Textbook: Ricardo

Make sure you know all the marked words. Read through the texts a couple of times to make sure you’re familiar with them.

  • Workbook: ”Det”, p. 118-119.

Make sure you know and understand the grammatical rules!

As you can see, it’s not a big test. I will probably add a listening exercise so make sure to watch a film or two with English subtitles to practice 🙂

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Under Engelska-9

English, year 9: The Book Circle

So, today you had your second book circle meeting. I hope it all went well! I was eaves-dropping on two of the groups and it sounded like you had some interesting discussions. Protocols can be emailed to me before, or during, Friday. If you hand in a copy of your protocol you have to do it tomorrow, since we have Friday off!

The third meeting will be held on Thursday, February 17th. The fourth and final meeting will be held on Thursday, February 24th.

Important notice: If you’ve missed meetings, it is of greatest importance that you attend the last two meetings.

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Under Engelska-9